Climate Change Adaptation: African Youth Demand Doubling Of Funding

The first Youth Forum on Climate Change Adaptation Finance, FOFAFA, opened in the Cameroonian capital, Yaounde on November 16, 2023.


In prelude to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28 coming up in December 2023 in the United Arab Emirates, UAE, over 300 youths from 30 African nations are meeting in Yaounde, Cameroon for a three-day forum. The first Youth Forum on Climate Change Adaptation Finance, FOFAFA, has as theme, “Empowering Africa: More than doubling adaptation finance for a resilient future.”


Over 2,000 Participants
The international conference, lasting from November 16-18, 2023, is being followed up online by 2,000 other participants. The forum is jointly organised by the Cameroon government, the Africa Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access, ACSEA, and the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance, PACJA.


Most Urgent Issue
Opening the conference, the Cameroonian Minister of Environment and Nature Protection, Hele Pierre, said climate change is the most urgent issue of the moment. Africa, he noted, is most vulnerable to climate change effects, though contributes little to greenhouse gas emissions; which are responsible for the climate crisis.


We Can’t Act Alone
The Minister said Cameroon was not excluded from the impact of climate change as forests are being depleted and degraded; while agriculture suffers from climate change. “Government is determined to continue to pursue climate change adaptation efforts. That is why a National Climate Observatory was created. We cannot act alone; we need the support of developed countries,” Hele Pierre underscored.


Grants, Not Loans!
“Africa needs 50 billion US dollars annually till 2030 to tackle adaptation. Yet the little funding that comes in is in terms of loans, not grants. This is unjust! You cannot suffer for what you did not create,” he said. “Youth are the future of Africa and are agents of change…Together we can secure adequate funding for climate change adaptation,” the Minister appealed.


In Memory Of Hon. Awudu Mbaya
ACSEA Executive Director, Dr Augustine B. Njamnshi, asked for a minute of silence in memory of Hon. Awudu Mbaya Cyprian, a Cameroonian parliamentarian who championed the cause of climate change. He commended the Cameroon government for supporting and hosting FOFAFA. Dr Njamnshi warned that without adaptation, Africa will face greater climate change effects such as humanitarian crises and youth unrest. He said the forum will spur young people from all over Africa to demand more than doubling of the current adaptation funding. Promising that a declaration will be issued at the end to be presented at COP 28 in the United Arab Emirates.


Long Process, Not An Event
Dr Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director, PACJA underlined that the global climate dialogue is a long process, not an event. “The present and future of climate change belongs to young people … The climate change adaptation finance process must become participatory in order for youths to take charge,” Dr Mwenda continued. “What do we want? More than double adaptation finance!” as young delegates chanted in the hall.


Inaugural Lecture
In the inaugural lecture, Eugene Nforngwa, ACSEA Director of Programmes, spoke on “The importance of climate change adaptation finance for Africa’s development and resilience.” According to Nforngwa, the 21st Century faces many complex challenges, amongst which is the climate crisis. He insisted that frontline communities must be supported to tackle adaptation. Especially as the climate crisis is today gone far beyond an environmental problem.  


Still Not Sufficient
“The current level of adaptation finance is only 3 billion US dollars annually to Africa, instead of the 7-15 billion US dollars required annually for the continent. Doubling it to 4 billion US dollars annually will still not be sufficient,” Eugene emphasised.  


300 Young Africans   
In an earlier chat with Cameroon Tribune, Eugene Nforngwa said about 300 young people from Cameroon and 30 African countries are taking part physically in the Inaugural Youth Forum on Climate Change Adaptation Finance in Africa, FOFAFA. But about 2,000 young people have joined online. In all, about 2,300 young people from Africa are participating in the forum. Though majority of delegates are from Cameroon - from all the 10 regions of the country.


Stakes Of COP 28
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28, holds in the United Arab Emirates in December 2023. One of the key challenges Africa has faced over the years is that the continent bears the brunt of climate change effects more than any other region of the world. Unfortunately, Africa does not contribute much to the problem of greenhouse gas emissions.


Expected Resources Not Forthcoming
“To be able to adapt to climate change effects, Africa needs resources. Under the 2015 Paris, France Climate Conference Agreement, resources are supposed to come from developed countries. Which are largely responsible for climate change. But this money has not been coming in. This is what is referred to as adaptation finance. The little climate finance that comes to Africa mostly goes for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. This is not a priority for Africa because the continent only contributes 4 per cent to the emissions. Even if Africa removed all of its 4 per cent, it will still not have serious impact on climate change,” Eugene noted.


Adaptation Is Africa’s Priority
“African governments decided long ago that their priority was adaptation. But industrialised countries do not prioritise adaptation finance. We decided to bring together young Africans to raise their voices and demand adaptation finance for the continent. The target they have set is that the current levels of adaptation finance should be more than doubled. So far, it stands at about 20 billion US dollars annually for the whole world. The international community had taken a commitment in Glasgow, Scotland to double the amount to 40 billion US dollars annually globally. But this has not happened,” Eugene revealed.


Double Financing!
“But Africa alone needs ab...



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