Senate : Administration, Personnel Status Examined

The President, Marcel Niat Njifenji chaired a bureau meeting of the House on April 30, 2024 in the course of which a commission was set up to look at the issues in detail.

Bureau members of the Senate, under the auspices of the President, Marcel Niat Njifenji, have examined several aspects of the institution such as general administration, finances and personnel. The future of the law-making House, such as acquiring land and constructing a befitting structure also came under examination during the bureau meeting of April 30, 2024.
Insights on discussions during the meeting were provided by Senator Robert Nkili and Senator Nfor Tabetando, all Vice Presidents of the Senate. 
They both explained that the bureau meeting was one of the most important since the putting in place of the institution in 2013, given that it was a very detailed meeting. “We had a comprehensive agenda that encompasses issues that touch and concern the personnel, general administration, finances of the Senate and the future of the Senate. For example, acquiring land to construct a benefitting structure for the Senate and again, a structure for senior members of the bureau like the Vice Presidents. Indeed, a lot of things were discussed and we were very thrilled by the manner in which our President managed the bureau meeting, to the extent that we feel that this is a new era. We feel that this is an innovation for the future of the Senate in the next four years of this current mandate,” Senator Tabetando explained to the press. 
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