Excellence In Finance Supervision : BEAC Managers Acquire Efficiency Skills
- Par Godlove BAINKONG
- 03 nov. 2020 09:52

A two-month training programme organised by the central bank in partnership with HEC Paris ended in Yaounde yesterday November 2, 2020 with the award of attestations to trainees.
Scores of finance managers of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) have been edified with best management strategies, which are expected to yield fruits for their respective countries and sub-region in the short, medium and long terms. In effect, the professionals got their End-of-Course Attestations at the headquarters of BEAC in Yaounde yesterday November 2, 2020 after going through a two-month training (August 31 to October 31, 2020).
It was organised by BEAC in partnership with HEC Paris, an international business school under the theme, “Parcours des Managers,” roughly translated as “Manager’s Path.” The Vice Governor of BEAC, Dieudonné Evou Mekou, chaired the closing ceremony. It was the first series of management certification training programmes for senior executives.
It emerged from speeches during the closing ceremony that the two-month training course was an opportunity for the trainees to make a retrospective look at their work as managers, to redefine the added value in its orgnanisation and to share, learn and seek ways of henceforth integrating best practices in their daily functioning.
According to one of the participants, Carlos Alberto Boncanca Tabares, the training was timely and will greatly help the trainees in improving on their way of working. He said the Bank gains a lot with this training given its enormous benefit especially with the evolution in almost all sectors, the banking and finance sectors inclusive.
Going by Armelle Dufour, Director of Global Initiative Projects for HEC Paris, the training programme was fully contextualized to the needs of the BEAC and aimed to ensure coherence in managerial lines and harmonize collective action initiated by member countries. HEC Paris, through the training programme, seeks to accompany BEAC in particular and CEMAC finance stakeholders as a whole a...
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