2024/2025 Academic Year : Assiduity, Punctuality Prescribed in North West

Secondary education stakeholders determined to enhance a more successful academic year.

The academic year 2024/2025 has officially been launched in the North West region. The ceremony held under the theme "Responsible citizens for a quality school in a healthy, safe and secure environment for a transformation of our educational system" took place in the premises Government Technical High School Bamenda on August 23, 2024.
 Addressing the secondary education stakeholders, the Secretary General at the North Governor's Office Saidouna Ali called on them   to be assiduous and punctual so as to ensure an effective academic year 2024/2025. "I recommend that all stakeholders of secondary education, community members should mobilise and sensitize so that children are enrolled into the various schools this year," said the Governor's Representative Saidouna Ali.
  The Regional Delegate of Secondary Education Baijong Ezekiel Ndifon encouraged his teachers to develop reasonable resilience. "The message to teachers is very simple. It is a message of encouragement" said the regional delegate. He called on the teachers to be serious than ever before. He however, encouraged them not to get into trouble. He reminded them of the message of their Minister which is very particular about pedagogy in a clean school environment. Mr Baijong Ezikiel told them to be clean all round be it in finance management, pedagogy and in their relationship with students. 
 They reviewed their performance last year and stratigised for the upcoming academic year due to begin come September 9, 2024. The secondary education family took the commitment to ensure ...



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