Cameroon-China Cooperation : China Commends President Biya’s 2024 FOCAC Summit Role

Ambassador Wang Yingwu spoke in Yaounde on September 26, 2024 at a reception to mark the 7th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Chinese in Cameroon on Thursday, September 26, 2024 marked their country’s 75th National Day. Which remembers the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Representing the Cameroonian government at the reception was the Minister Delegate in the Ministry of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Commonwealth, Felix Mbayu. Also in attendance were several cabinet ministers, diplomats and Cameroonian dignitaries.  


Eighth China Visit
“We sincerely thank President Paul Biya for personally leading the Cameroonian delegation to the Summit. His eighth visit to China demonstrates the great importance he attaches to China-Africa and China-Cameroon friendly cooperation,” Ambassador Wang Yingwu said. Recalling that during the visit, President Biya met with his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jingping and Mr. Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


Upgraded Relations
“The two sides had in-depth exchanges on bilateral relations and reached an important consensus on upgrading bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, intensifying consultation and cooperation, strengthening the exchange of experience, and defending the  together the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and advance China-Cameroon cooperation in various fields such as infrastructure, industrial development, interconnection, agriculture and health, thereby further enriching and adding weight to the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries,” the Ambassador noted.


Strategic Partnership 
“We believe that under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Paul Biya, the China-Cameroon comprehensive strategic partnership will achieve ever greater progress, and will further contribute to consolidating the traditional China-Cameroon friendship, jointly safeguarding the common interests of the two countries, and jointly building an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era,” he said. Before raising a toast to the prosperity and stability of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Cameroon, the deepening of Sino-Cameroonian friendship and cooperation, and to the health of all.


“Earth-shaking Changes”
Earlier in his address, Wang said the past 75 years were marked by “earth-shaking changes for the Chinese people and nation.” Saying as a result of 75 years of diligent efforts, China has gone from a poor country to the world's second largest economy. Eradicating absolute poverty, and achieving miraculous achievements such as long-term socio-political stability, continuous deepening of reform and opening-up, and high-quality development of the economy and people's well-being.


Greater Reform Prospects 
He recalled that the Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that held in July 2024 opened up broad prospects for the in-depth promotion of reform in all areas, opening up new prospects for modernization with Chinese characteristics in the new era.  


Threats To World Peace, Development 
The Chinese diplomat warned that the present international situation was complex and changeable, with serious challenges to world peace and development. Especially with the rise of protectionism, unilateralism and hegemonism, such as "decoupling and breaking industrial and supply chains" and "small courtyards with high walls." Based on the Cold War mentality and narrow geopolitical considerations, Ambassador said some countries have fanned the confrontation between blocs, arbitrarily triggered unilateral sanctions and disrupted the global production and supply chain. Which not only hinders the development of the world economy, but also endangers world peace and security. 




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