Documentary-film on Paul Biya : Historic Public Projection In Bamenda

Senior dignitaries, administrative and traditional authorities and the population of the North West Region in Bamenda on October 26, 2024 celebrated President Paul Biya’s achievements.

The population of the North West Region on October 26, 2024 said “Yes” to the Head of State, President Paul Biya.  The bright weather conditions also said “Yes” and all was symphony and celebration as the documentary-film,” Paul Biya:  A great Statesman with extraordinary destiny,” was projected at the courtyard of the Mezam Senior Divisional Office in Bamenda on October 26, 2024. The anxiety remained till the end with thunderous expressions of satisfaction.
The projection of the documentary-film in Bamenda was the ninth lap of the round of projections throughout the country. Indeed, senior members of the elite of the North West Region among whom were members of government, administrative, political, traditional authorities and the population gathered, savoured the achievements of President Paul Biya since his accession to power on November 6, 1982 and reacted in approval that the Head of State was indeed, a great Statesman with extraordinary destiny. The documentary-film was co-produced by Cathy Meba and Solange Edimo. The Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic has been doing the general supervision of the projection while the Ministry of Arts and Culture is in charge of the technical supervision and coordination. The North West Region through the Regional Assembly dressed Solange Edimo, one of the co-producers of the documentary-film in the North West traditional regalia, raised her to the rank of “Daughter of the North West” and gave the attire of the other co-producer Cathy Meba for her to hand considering that Meba was absent.
Different speeches in which the officials cited and lauded the achievements of President Paul Biya particularly in the North West Region preceded the projection of the documentary-film proper. There was great silence, concentration and focus when the projection took place. Even masquerade traditional dances locally called “Jujus” visibly stayed attentively and watched the projection. Everyone was thrilled by the story-telling style in which the documentary-film producers presented the history of Cameroon before delving into President Paul Biya’s great works for the Century. It captured the essence of President Biya’s life, grounded in the principles of service, dedication and perseverance and demonstration of his steady leadership which has been instrumental in maintaining peace, national unity and progress. The film covered President Biya’s achievements in the political, defence and security, socio-economic, democracy, education and health, sports and diplomatic domains.
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