Dr Lilian Ngwana Bami : Improving Sexual Health Of Women

As an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, she spends most of her time out of the hospital talking to women about their reproductive health.

Dr Lilian Ngwana Bami is an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist working at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital, who is not just keen on women’s health within a hospital premise. Her passion for women's health and sexual reproductive health in particular pushed her to become a Clinical Adviser to several NGOs which have as mission to empower women and train them with income generating activities. All in a bid to transform communities.
Being the clinical adviser at the True Life International Medical Outreach (TLIMO) and the Focal Health Point at the Rural Women Actions for Sustainability and Justice (RWASJ) NGO, Dr Bami spends most of her time out of the hospital talking to women about their sexual and Reproductive Health, (family planning, safe delivery, etc.) Through RWASJ, she teaches women on income generating activities in which they become economically empowered to take care of their families. By teaching women on different family planning methods, they are able to have desired children depending on their means”, Dr Bami explained. According to the gynaecologist, a healthy family brings about a healthy developed society. Through Dr. Lilian Bami’s expertise, more than 10,000 women have benefitted from sexual and reproductive health knowledge. In line with the 40th International...



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