Presbyterian Church In Cameroon : Induction Of Moderator, Synod Clerk On March 16

In a press conference on March 11, 2025, at the CBS premises in Buea, church officials explained how the event shall unfold.

The institution and induction of the hierarchy of the Presbyterian Church In Cameroon (PCC) elected on November 18, 2024, will take place on Sunday March 16, 2025. The event will be at the Presbyterian Comprehensive Secondary School Buea field. It will begin at 9 am with a divine service. The new Moderator is Rev Miki Hans Abia and the new Synod Clerk is Rev Ayuk Solomon. The chief celebrant will be the outgoing Moderator, Right Rev Fonki Samuel Forba who served two mandates of five years each. High point of the event will be the transfer of the pectoral cross from the outgoing moderator to the incoming moderator. 
Ahead of the event, four senior pastors of the church faced the press at the Christian Broadcasting Service (CBS) compound on March 11, 2025. It was led by Rev Emmanuel B. Masok. He explained the spiritual significance of the institution of the Moderator and Synod Clerk. That there shall be a special liturgy whereby the Moderator will be inducted before the sermon. Moderator will thereafter induct the Synod Clerk. 
Rev. Prof. Mbengu David outlined the vision of the new leadership and ambition of the church. Rev Ajime Nelson introduced the new leaders detailing their profiles. Moderator ...



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