Environmental Protection: Feicom Parters With Environment Ministry

An MOU signed by the two institutions on June 3, 2019 will boost environmental protection in local council areas.

The Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM) to boost environmental protection in local council areas nationwide. The partnership agreement was signed in Yaounde on June 3, 2019. Minister Hele Pierre signed on behalf of MINEPDED while the General Manager of FEICOM, Phillipe Camille Akoa signed for the institution which supports councils with funding and technical assistance.

The MOU covers four key aspects which both parties consider strategic. These include the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, fighting climate change and desertification, waste management and environmental sanitation, and environmental evaluation as well. It would be implemented through exchange of expertise, capacity building, joint financing of projects and mutual support in the mobilisation of climate funds from sources like the Global Environment Fund, Green Fund and Adaptation Fund.

Minister Hele Pierre said the partnership is justified by the fact that FEICOM is the main institution through which many international and local organisations support councils and implement ideas that are important for local communities. He said the partnership would facili...



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