Kupe Muanenguba III : CPDM Launches Operation To Boost Voter Registration

The operation was launched in Tombel on May 27, 2024 during an enlarged Kupe Muanenguba III Section stakeholders meeting chaired by the Section President, Mbulle Valentine.

The Tombel Town Hall was filled to the brim on Sunday May 27, 2024 as members of the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM) of the Kupe Muanenguba III Section responded to the invitation of the Section President, Mbulle Valentine, for an enlarged stakeholders meeting. In what looked like a Section conference as militants showcased enthusiasm for the meeting which aimed at evaluating the ongoing voter registration and adopting a plan of action to boost the exercise was attended by the section, sub-sections, branches and cells executives, other party bigwigs of the area as well as grassroots militants.
While addressing militants, the Section President stressed the importance of voter registration on the electoral list by CPDM militants ahead of the multiple elections of 2025. He stated emphatically that the CPDM must maintain its bastion in Tombel. This, he added, can only be possible if militants enroll on the electoral list and cast their votes when need arises to give the CPDM a resounding victory. On this note, Mr Mbulle exhorted party stalwarts to individually and collectively work relentlessly for the success of the operation. “The exercise will be expensive but let us sacrifice our resources and time. We have to show total engagement within these three months to the end of the voter registration exercise on August 31, 2024,” he told party members.  He reiterated that it is not yet time to make the political ground of Tombel too hot but rather time to register in preparation for upcoming elections. “We say No to detractors. Now is time for registration. Stop distracting the population,” the Section President quipped while urging power mongers to keep their ambitions until when the time comes. He also sent a clarion message to some party members whom he said are not showing loyalty to the party as they have been boycotting meetings and financial contributions. On this note, he said, they are digging their own pit as the party will...



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