Protection Of Forest, Wildlife Resources : 1507 Toll-Free N° Goes Operational

It was launched on August, 16, 2024 in Yaounde during a ceremony chaired by the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Jules Doret Ndongo.

The toll-free number, “1507”, aims to denounce attempts of fraud, corruption, illegal forestry practices and abuses committed by anyone in the forestry and wildlife areas nationwide. This was the principal message passed during the launching ceremony of the toll-free number, chaired by the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Jules Doret Ndongo.), on Friday, August 16. The Minister outlined the main objectives of launching the “1507”, “This number will be an effective alert tool, and a powerful communication and reporting weapon against potentially reprehensible acts committed by anyone in forestry and wildlife areas. The number is free and available to any Cameroonian citizen and personnel of the MINFOF, to denounce anonymously any kind of abuses they are victim of in forestry and wildlife areas.” 
During the ceremony, calls came in, including a call from Ayos, in the Nyong-and-Mfoumou division, in the Centre region, denouncing illegal forestry practices, corruption, human-wildlife conflicts and abuse of citizens during wood truck inspections. Minister Jules Doret Ndongo insisted on the challenges of implementing the “1507”, to strengthen the fight against illegal practices and abuses, which further hamper the numerous efforts made.
Minister Jules Doret Ndongo indicated that the launching of the “1507” is part of a series of decisions and actions made to combat illegal forestry practices. These include the implementation of the Second-Generation Forest Inform...



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