Sports Season 2023/2024 : Historic End!

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute on behalf of the President of the Republic, yesterday presided at the 63rd edition of activities marking the end of the season coupled with the 2024 Cameroon football cup final.

The Yaounde Amadou Ahidjo Omnisports Stadium was full to capacity.  All seats at the 40.000 capacity stadium were occupied. Occasion; the 63rd edition of the end of year sports season, coupled with the 2024 Cameroon football cup final opposing Aigle Royal of Menoua (West Region) to Colombe Sportive of Dja and Lobo (South Region). The Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute, on behalf of the President of the Republic, presided at the double event on September 29, 2024, that saw Colombe Sportive of Dja and Lobo emerging cup winners. It unfolded under the theme; "Sports Excellence: Bedrock for Harmonious Living Together for a United, Prosperous and Indivisible Cameroon." To that effect, four colours dominated the stadium; white and purple for Colombe Sportive of Dja and Lobo, and yellow and black for Aigle Royal of Menoua.  Besides the football encounter, it was also a moment for the handing over of medals and trophies to 54 federations following their outstanding performances in different competitions.  
Upon arrival, the Prime Minister was welcomed by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi. He was also presented a bouquet of flowers by a lass in the words, "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Head of Government, representative of the President of the Republic, the sports community welcomes you to the Yaounde Omnisports stadium on the occasion of the closing of the 2024 sports season."  After the singing of the national anthem, the Prime Minister proceeded to review the troops and then a handshake with the Presidents of national sports federations led by the President of the Cameroon National Olympic and Sports Committee, Col. Kalkaba Malboum and the President of the Cameroon National Paralympic Committee, Jean Ndoudoumou. 
While seated at the Presidential Tribune, the Head of Government watched the parade presenting 54 different national federations and a cultural display. The cultural display which showcased the peculiarities of the four cultural zones had the performers brandishing round placards with the names of ...



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