Municipal Police Agents : NASLA Graduates First Batch

Drawn from ten councils across Cameroon, they were told to restore the good image of municipal forces across the country.

A total of 99 Municipal Police agents representing ten councils across Cameroon have completed their training at the National School of Local Administration, NASLA, in Buea. Drawn from councils such as Tiko, Mbalmayo, Santchou, Yagoua, Batouri, Mbankomo etc, they were called to defend the image of their profession which has overtime been given a bad reputation. 
The ceremony, marked by the award of end of course attestations, took place on September 27, 2024 at the campus of NASLA, and was chaired by the Director General, Tanyitiku E. Bayee, in the presence of council officials. The pioneer graduates of Municipal Police agents from NASLA are expected to revitalize the efforts of local councils in maintaining public order, enforcing municipal regulations and ensuring the safety of citizens. 
Giving a rundown of the training process, it was disclosed that, the training respected international standards with a coverage rate of 98 percent. Trained for a period of three months, Tanyitiku E. Bayee said the graduates were able to demonstrate their expertise in the area of public freedom, civil protection, civic education and self defense. “They are the pioneers of this exercise of municipal police training under the presidential decree of August 09, 2022. We expect them to be aware of their responsibilities.The reputation of municipal police depends on them. We are trying to engage in a movement to salvage the reputation of Municipal Police which st...



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